Song Analysis by Rockmaster System

Song Analysis

Song Analysis by Rockmaster System

How to analyze a song before you play

Song Analysis by Rockmaster System

Before you play a song do the following analysis:

Check the high and low melody notes and make sure that they are in the vocal range of the singer, whether that be you or someone else.

Check to see if there are non-diatonic chords in the song. Depending on your playing level, you might choose to work with diatonic changes at first

Check the chord frequency. Songs that have one or two chords per bar are a little bit easier to work with. This also depends on your playing level.

Determine if the song is using a standard progression. That will help you to memorize the changes more quickly.

Determine the repeat structure. Many songs use a two-bar repeat or four-bar repeat, or eight-bar repeat, or sixteen-bar repeat, sometimes with variations. .

Pick an inversion of the first chord that gives you the best connection to the other chords.

Pencil in the tabs above the chord symbols.

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Song Analysis

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