Intervals in Music

Intervals in Music

Intervals in Music by Rockmaster

Intervals in music – How to identify musical intervals on the piano

Any discussion on intervals should begin with thirds (major and minor) as these are the building blocks for harmony.


If the major third starts on a white key it will end on a white key with one (1) white key between.

Intervals F1

When the major third interval crosses over E-F or B-C, the two white keys with no
black key between, the interval ends on a black key with two (2) white keys between.

Intervals F2

When the major third starts on a black key it ends on a white key with two (2) white keys between except Gb which ends on a black key with two (2) white keys between.

Intervals F3


If the minor third starts on a white key, it will end on a black key with one (1) white key between.

Intervals F4

When the minor third interval crosses over E-F or B-C, the two white keys with no black key between,the interval ends on a white key with one (1) white key between.

Intervals F5

When the minor third starts on a black key it ends on a white key with one (1) white key between except Eb and Bb.

Intervals F6

When the minor third interval crosses over E-F or B-C, the two white keys with no black key between,the interval ends on a black key with two (2) white keys between.

Intervals F7


If the fifth starts on a white key, it ends on a white key with three (3) white key between,
except B which ends on a black key with four (4) white keys between.

Intervals F8

When the fifth starts on a black key, it ends on a black key with four (4) white keys between,
except Bb which ends on a white key with four (4) white keys between.

Intervals F9

Intervals – Skipped White Keys Method

Rockmaster Piano Lessons

Intervals in Music

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