Aids to Sight Reading

Aids to Sight Reading

Aids to Sight Reading Piano Music by Rockmaster

Aids to Sight Reading Sight Reading F1

The G clef segments

The G clef is divided into two segments separated by the “B” line.
The lower segment is played in the area of the three black keys and the upper segment
is played in the area of the two black keys. The “E” line separates the clef from the lower
leger lines.
In the flat keys the “B” line and the “E” line are the crossover points.

 Sight Reading F2


In the flat keys spaces within the G clef are played with odd fingers 1,3, 1,3.
The inner 3 lines are played with even fingers 2, 4, 2.
Line 5 (F) and leger lines above the clef are played with fingers 1, 3, 1, 3.
LIne 1 (E) and leger lines below the clef are played with fingers 1, 3, 1, 3.
The space below 3 lines is an octave away.
The space above 3 lines is an octave away.
The line below 3 spaces (4 lines) is an ovtave away.
The line above 3 spaces (4 lines) is an octave away.

The F clef segments

The F clef is divided into three segments separated by the “B” line and the “F” line.
The lower segment is played in the area of the three black keys, the middle segment
is played in the area of the two black keys and the upper segment is played in the
area of the three black keys.

Sight Reading F3

Sight Reading F4

Rockmaster Piano Lessons

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