Do You Really Want To Play The Piano

Do You Really Want To Play The Piano?

Play the piano with limited time for practice

Do You Really Want To Play The Piano?

They say that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at anything.

If you have the time, the desire and the discipline;  go for it. But if you have more modest goals (like just playing well), then you definitely want to look at the Rockmaster System.

Set your goals then identify the best way to reach those goals.


Do You Really Want To Play The Piano

Why Is Piano Accompaniment So Difficult

Why Is Piano Accompaniment So Difficult?

Why is piano accompaniment so difficult ?
In theory it is quite a simple process.

There are seven notes in the scale.

You can form seven chords on those seven notes.

After you finger the first chord,                                         (I)
there are six other chords that you can change to.

You can move 1, 2 or 3 fingers up.                                     (VI  IV  II)

You can move 1, 2 or 3 fingers down.                                (III  V  VII)

And sometimes you can add a 4th finger.      (6th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th)

That looks quite simple. So why is it so difficult?

Of course you still need to train your fingers to make the moves.

And that comes with repetition (practice).

Stop playing the FOOL and go play the PIANO.

Piano Lesson 1

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