Rockmaster Chord Change Formula 2:
Anchor Method
How to use the Rockmaster Anchor Method to change chords
Chord Change Formula 2 Anchor Method
The Rockmaster Chord Change Formula 1 is the best way to change chords. Each finger moves up or down one note to get to the next chord – very simple, very logical, and very smooth.
Greater flexibility in chord changing can be achieved with Rockmaster Chord Change Formula 2:Anchor Method.
Formula 2
Chord Change Anchor 789
Chord Change Anchor 345
Chord Change Anchor 567
Chord Change Anchor 234
Chord Change Anchor 456
Chord Change Anchor 678
See Examples
Rockmaster Chord Change Formula2 gives you full chord voicing.
The anchor notes together form a Locrian scale.
Chord Change Formula2 Anchor Method