Scales and Modes

Scales and Modes

Scales and Modes

Scales and Modes

Please remember that music is circular; it wraps around.
You can start your scale or Circle of Fifths on any note and wrap it around back to your starting note to complete the octave.

We are talking about the major scale starting at do.
But you can start a scale on any note in the major scale and wrap around back to the starting not to complete the octave.
Each note is called a Modes.
The Major scale is the Ionian mode.
Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian
(IDPLMAL) i do piano like my aunt lori.

Please read up on Modes.

For practice, you can start with F, one Black Key, Flat,
G, one Black Key, Sharp.

                                                                      Rockmaster System 07/26/23