Chord Change Anchor 345 by Rockmaster System

Chord Change Anchor 345 by Rockmaster

How to Change Chords with Chord Change Anchor 345

Chord Change Anchor 345 by Rockmaster

Every diatonic chord will also contain the 3rd, or 4th, or 5th note of the scale and can also be used as anchors.

We will call this Chord Change Anchor 345.

If there are non-diatonic chords the b5 and #5 may also be present.

Example 6

In example 6a the key is C major and the anchor notes are E (3), F (4), G (5) and are at the bottom of all the chords.

Play And I Love You So

Example 6b

In example 6b the key is G major and the anchor notes are B (3), C (4), D (5) and are at the bottom of all the chords.

Play Broken Hearted Melody

Example 6c

In example 6c the key is Ab major and the anchor notes are C (3), Db (4), Eb (5), D (b5) and are at the bottom of all the chords.

Play You Are So Beautiful

Example 6d

In example 6d the key is D major and the anchor notes are F# (3), G (4), A (5), Ab (b5) and are at the bottom of all the chords.

Play Little Green Apples