Scales Black Keys Method

Scales Black Keys Method

Scales Black Keys Method by Rockmaster

How to build piano scales using the black keys as a guide

This is the best scale building method for improvisation

Scales Black Keys Method

The C major scale uses all seven white keys on the piano, C – D – E – F – G – A – B.
Each letter name is used only once.
All the other scales contain black keys.
In the sharp scales the fingered black key has the same letter name as the white key to the left. In the G scale, F, F#.
Since each letter names is used only once, you skip the white key to the left of a fingered black key.
In the flat scales the fingered black key has the same letter name as the white key to the right. In the F scale, Bb, B.
Since each letter names is used only once, you skip the white key to the right of a fingered black key.

The relative minor scales also use the black keys in the same order as their relative major.

Right-Hand Scales

Left-Hand Scales

For sharp scales               For flat scales
Skip the white key to the      Skip the white key to the
left of a fingered black key   right of a fingered black key

Scale Building Methods